Thursday, December 11, 2014


Wassup everybody? Miss me? No? Well... um... Oh, right... So me and a NEW team are now working on a new project! (Woo woo hoo yeah... man you guys are ignoring me today.) Anyway, we're making a movie trailer! And we're making a contest! Not just any contest though, a contest to make a movie poster! So yeah. The movie is going to be called ParkFAIL. The main character is named Billy. On the poster, I plan to have Billy and his friend in the front, and the other characters (Tom and his dad,) behind them. I can visualize what the formation will be from the top. The front characters will be here: ' ' and the other two people will be here:,   , So the full formation will be like this: ,' ',. It's a complex concept. Sorry.

This is just progress I've made on the poster.
I've spent all this time talking about how the characters were placed, so now I'll tell you what it's really about. The title; ParkFAIL, refers to the plot. Basically, Billy's, (the main character) lifelong dream was to become a parkour master. However, he has no sense of Hand-eye coordination. Thus, he falls and fails. The poster is going to include the title, (of course) the actor's names, (there's only four of us.) The date when it comes out, (If anyone actually wants to see the movie, sorry. It's not gonna happen.) A meaningful quote (created by me) and some "totally legit reviews." This means that they're going to be fake. Yes, fake. Since we're not actually making a movie, it's hard to get real reviews. One of the reviews is real though. Try to guess which one. :) Some of the text was kerned. Can you guess what kerning means? Of course you can. The link is right there! But it basically says that kerning is the spacing between letters in a sentence. For a fun kerning game, Click here!

Finally got the photo! Removed the white background.
I think that the layering and text style really makes the text "pop" from the page. Stand out. Really say "Hey, it's me, Text! READ ME!" That may be just my opinion though. See what you think! I personally really liked the our of parkour was hidden by the sudden FAIL. I think it looks kinda like billy just failed his parkour exam. Still, may be just me. I also took the original photograph and with some effects, used it as a background. I also took the charecter's legs and faded them into the background so it wouldn't look jagged. Finally, I rearranged the actor's names so the names were directly below the actors themselves. I really like how the final poster came out. I think it really shouts: PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!!

Poster is down There \/   \/   \/   \/   \/
Finished Product!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Proactive or Procrastination?

The title is a question everyone must answer for themselves. (or you can just ask your mom, or dad, or whatever IDC.) Personally, I think I'm kind-of a proactive-procrastinator. Ask my mom, and she'll tell you that I slack on my chores. And any sort of distraction, Whoo boy! Will I get distracted! I'm like: Ok, time to start the dishes- wait- it that- a MOVIE PLAYING?!?!?!? What was I talking about again? Part of the problem is that I have a not-so-good memory. If I'm distracted, I usually forget what I was supposed to do. But when I do be proactive, (it happens every once-in-a-while) I go ALL OUT. EVERYTHING gets done. Right then. Right there. No excuses.

And when that happens, I usually have more time left over to do whatever I want. So yeah, I really WANT to be proactive, but Nooooooooo My stupid brain is just like SIT. ON. THAT. COUCH. NOW. Dishes can wait. THAT COUCH NEEDS YOU! And that cat too. So just grab that cat and go sit on the couch, and forget everything you were obligated to do. Let the dishes sit. And when THAT happens, I get in trouble, and the dishes take LONGER that I wanted them to. Thus I get less free time. But when I'm proactive, it takes LESS time than I want it to. And I get MORE free time. Man, I can't do anything right.

Usually the only times I get lots of stuff done is in the morning. Not just any morning though, it has to be a morning that I'm making breakfast. Still, not just any breakfast, It has to be pancakes. Yes. Pancakes motivate me to do stuff. Actually, I lied earlier in this paragraph. It dosen't have to be pancakes for me to do stuff. But pancakes are usually what I make. Wait a minute... How did I get from talking about procrastination to taking about pancakes? Like I said, distractions.

If I could only get over that whole "Distractions" thing I deal with, I could be like, Super Productivity. I could get EVERYTHING done SUPER fast. I would be like flash just got some super-speed boots. Ok, perhaps that's an exaggeration, but I will get a lot of stuff done. The exception? Dishes. Yeah, I really don't like doing dishes one way or another. But that's the ONLY exception. Sometimes I do dishes though. Sometimes.

...Have a nice day? (I guess...)