Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Movie Trailer Critique

P5T5 Park-FAIL from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.
Hello again! And welcome to the SUPEREPICMOVIECRITIQUE where I tell you what I think of the movie trailer, and what OTHER people think of it. Alrighty then, let's get started. Wait... were you even listening to the intro? Did you even care?!?! Did you even watch the movie trailer first?!?! I put a lot of work into that!! (No one cares? Man, tough crowd...) Anyway, I (and three other people, but that's irrelevant.) (I'm just joking. They did a lot of the work.) have created a Movie trailer that comes out in the early early date of NEVER! (coming soon!) Any way, we were supposed to create a G rated movie trailer, and I think we did pretty well. (Remember? I told you about it in the movie poster blog post!.. Oh right... that was the post you didn't pay any attention to...) My teammates were: Preston HaydenRaiden Kurisu, and Kynan Ledee. Those guys were pretty awesome. (I gave each of them a link to THEIR blogs.) We also created a document of the trailer plan that basically says how many scenes there are, what the scenes were about, the Foley, the title, a description of the movie, and the plot. (If you want to see it, scroll down to the bottom of this post.) I played the role of Billy's friend. (Who "helps" him master parkour.) I also gave a few editing ideas and stuff.

There were also some project requirements that we had to meet. The movie trailer had to be at least 1:30 min long, with the max being 2:30 min long. We did that pretty well. It also had to be appropriate for a 1st grade audience, and have at least 5 3-shot sequences. I fell that we accomplished these requirements pretty well too. Lastly, it had to include the poster that won the poster contest that we did earlier. It you actually watched the video and didn't just skip it, You can see that we did this too. Other obvious requirements were things like the narration, main characters, effects, text layovers, stuff like that. So overall, I think we completed the requirements pretty darn well. Not epic, but well.

So, after we made the video, it was reviewed by the other people in the class. (No, not 1st graders.) Here are the results:

Requirements [Team 5 Evaluation]

Room for Improvement00%
Above & Beyond!1141%

Audience [Team 5 Evaluation]

Room for Improvement00%
Above & Beyond!830%

Creativity [Team 5 Evaluation]

Room for Improvement00%
Above & Beyond!1348%

Requirements [Team 5 Evaluation]

Well that took up a lot of space. Anyway... Each person graded the movie trailer on Requirements: IF it met all of the requirements, Audience: If it suited the 1st grade audience, and Creativity: If it really brought you "Into" the movie. (So-to-speak) (And of course, how creative it was.) Back on track... [Teacher mode engaged] If you see from the chart above, the average Requirements grade was approximately a grade of  Satisfactory, however, no one said that it had room for improvement. In Audience, most people said it was also Satisfactory, and like in Requirements, no one said that it had room for improvement. Finally, in Creativity, Most people said it was Satisfactory, no one said it had room for improvement, however many people said that it was Above & Beyond! That will be the end of today's lecture class, and I hope you all have a w0Nd3rful D-a-7-77D- [Teacher mode malfunctioned] [Teacher mode disengaged] Blauggh, I don't know what came over me there... um... where was I? Oh yes, did I agree with the critique or not. Personally, for requirements, I didn't think that there was much room for improvement, and some people could say it was above and beyond, so I agree with the results. For audience, I would also pretty much agree with the critique, as I would for creativity. I thought our video was really creative, but it wasn't exactly above & beyond for audience.
Hope you enjoyed the film!

Brought to you by KMS Media (and Waxer1 Studios,)
           If you would like to see the movie poster, it's below. (sorry the text is small)  \/ \/