Friday, May 29, 2015

Music Videos Rock!!!

"Micah" working
Welp. It turned out to be the latter. Oh right- it's been a while. The latter of "It just might be the hardest thing I ever do ever." It may be an exaggeration, but not by much. Well, it's actually going pretty good, but you know, work is work. And we lost about half of our footage. So yeah. I think that I contributed pretty goodly, being A: an actor, B: a director, and C: a cameraman. But I can't take all of the spotlight. Micah helped to. He was A: an actor, and B: a slacker. JK. Jk. He was actually, A: an actor, B: the play writer, and C: a slacker. Still joking. He did his part. Either that, or he's really rich so he can hire someone to do it for him. I really don't care. At least the person he's paying is good at this stuff. Wait- or was he paying an actor to go to school for him too?!?!? AND EVERYWHERE FOR HIM!?!?!? Have I never known him???? CONSPIRACY ALERT!?!?!?!?!??!
Me working on RATED screen

Well, now that that conspiracy theory has been cleared up (Has it?) It's time for the OTHER conspiracy, what part will people like most. I believe that my audience will most enjoy the part when I smash Micah's face into the plate of tuna because I think that it's kinda expected, has a close up, and is still funny. Runner ups are: The credits, The RATED screen, and how Micah had a bowl on his face for half of the film. Also the air guitar. That was Rockin' awesome.

Me- Wait- AM I AN ACTOR TOO!?! 

In my opinion, Me and Micah's music video completely (well, some at least.) shows what we learned this year. Notice, for example, the sound effects we used. Also, we used SuperImposing and skill with the Quick Selection Tool for the RATED screen, and the "The Weirdos" screen. We also focused are shots, used special effects, and demonstrated correct (I mean incorrect. Stupid autocorrect. JK.) Camera usage. This is our final project of the school year, so I hope you enjoyed. I may not post any blog posts during the summer either. So...

Adios Amigos!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Lyrical Livlihood

Hello and- Do I even need to do this anymore? Like, EVERY SINGLE TIME I post a new blog post It's just always THE SAME THING! Blah Blah Blah, new project, new team, new this, new that, Blah Blah Blah. The question is- why? Because reasons. There. I just answered my own question- DEAL WITH IT. Anyway, back on track, Blah Blah Blah, new project new team, new this, new that, Blah Blah Blah.

The new project is a MUSIC VIDEO. The new team is just me and Micah Miller. Click there to see his blog, and his version of this exact post. Anyway, so the video we're doing isn't exactly my FAVORITE song, but it's close. My (semi) favorite song, (I have a lot.) is "Hardware Store" from Weird Al Yankovic. Click the link to see the music video. It kinda makes me feel energetic and excited. It also gives me a strange, unquenchable desire to buy everything from ACE hardware and Home Depot combined... Jk Jk.

Plan part 1, Click to enlarge.
Plan part 2. Click to enlarge.
Anyway, onto the actual project. Our team, (And by that I mean me and Micah,) Decided (I forced him to) to pick "Just Eat It" By Weird Al Yankovic. We (I) chose this because I thought it would be easy and fun. I'll check up of that later... It may just actually be the hardest thing either one of us EVER DID. (May.) Plus, I LIKE FOOD. Also, it has a lot of weird lyrics that I thought we could visualize with a lot of different stuff. Our video is kinda gonna be a comedy, (sorta) With some stuff like me smashing Micah's face into a bowl of... Mush? Something. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Anyway, I got the better end of that deal. I am the smashER. not the smashEE. Why am I still talking about this? Whatever. The point is, It's a form of slapstick comedy.

There isn't really a story to "Just Eat It"; It's just kinda random, so we had to transfiddle the B-roll a little bit to figure it out. The story, now, is basically that there's always that ONE PERSON that eats AS SLOW AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE, preventing everyone else from proceeding to dessert. Micah is that person. Over time, however, he learns that what he's doing is bad, and he eats faster and stuff. Crazy story right?! At first, he's gonna eat REALLY slowly, and his company is asleep. Later, he wakes up, shoves micah's face into the bowl, and commence music. It's not violence, it's "Freely Expressing Discomfort".

New post in a few weeks,