Soooooo... Hello and welcome back to once again, for like the 15th time or something (I lost track) to a new project. This one has to do with comedy, (The only art I have trouble with, and this is a serious statement, unlike the usual sarcastic ones) but I won't bore you with the details just yet- I'll save it for later. Anyway, it is important to have a sense of humor because you can always make the most of a bad situation, or make a good situation even better. (wait- did I just jump to a different topic without explaining first? weird...) For example, say you get 3 cavities at the dentist or something, you could say "I knew I shouldn't have eaten that tooth-eating-mold!" (Wow that was the worst joke ever, but you get the point.) Or say things are going great, you could pop an awesome one-liner and leave everyone laughing their faces off. For example, my brother (who has a great sense of humor) popped a joke the other day while we were discussing random topics, and we all laughed a ton. I cannot write the joke unfortunately, because it is way better said then read. But it was good.
Anyway, I have created my very own "Joke", and just in case you find yourself in the same situation, here are:
Linden's 5 Tips on how to Make a Joke
So, tip number 1. If you are stuck on step one, you should just think of a random thing that happened that day, and exaggerate, poke fun at, or just generally make it funnier. Tip number 2! If you can't poke fun at something that happened that day, just make something up. Such as; "So, a funny thing happened the other day..." etc. Tip 3... If you can't make up something like that, just do a bunch of one liners, or some random stuff. Personally, I prefer the latter. Tip 4!? Make up your own ORIGINAL jokes! If you tell someone a joke based off of the internet, or a joke from the internet, chances are the've already heard a similar joke, and it's WAAAAY less funny. Tip 5! (Finally!) Punny isn't always funny! To make a joke based off of a pun, make sure it's either exaggerated, or actually funny. Test the joke out with friends or family before you tell it to other people.
HAHAHAHAHAHA.gif (Just a laugh GIF.) |
Ok. So now here is my comedic monologue. (Or, "Joke", as I called it before...) It came as a stroke of inspiration during one of Mr. Sanderls' lectures. Basically it goes something like this. (A word-for-word copy of what's on my plan) :
I had the most persistent cousin ever. He was like Einstein's definition of insanity. I bet, if you looked it up, he would be there. Whenever he messed something up, he would just do it right over again exactly the same. (Trip!) “Ok let’s try that again” (Trip!) “I know how to do this!” (Trip! Trip! Trip!...) He was once stuck trying to go up a down escalator for 3 whole days! I don’t know how he does it. He never does anything differently than he does before, so whenever he does something right, it’s a big celebration and it’s the only thing we ever tell him to do. We once tried to take him to a therapist once, but the meeting went something like this: “So, why are you here.” “Because my family made me come here.” “But why?” “Because” “Why” “Because.” It went on for hours. Either the therapist had the same problem, or he was trying to use up our time... So there you have it. I think it's funny because, well, what sane person would try to keep doing something exactly the same and expect it to work that time?! (Answer: None. That's why I said he was like Einstein's definition of insanity.) Also, the visuals are funny because you see him (me) tripping, doing the same thing over and over again, and slamming into doors over and over. (Don't worry. It won't hurt. I hope...) Also, the last part is funny because a therapist's sessions are timed, so therapists sometimes do things like that (not exactly like that) to waste time, and this particular therapist saw the perfect opportunity. (BTW: I will play all of the parts.)
Well there you go,
Ps: If you read a previous post, called "Ok, Who Spilled The Ink?" you should be able to read this.
Thumbs up to whoever can find this!