Thursday, April 2, 2015


Welcome ladies and gents! ONCE AGAIN, we have ANOTHER G.T. Project. (Man, these things never end!) In these few weeks, we will create SPECTACULAR Animations. (Like the terribad ball bounce RIGHT.) The following GIF to the RIGHT was made by yours truly. I'm on an ALL NEW TEAM, with ALL NEW MEMBERS, (Except for Raiden,) And an ALL NEW PROJECT!!!!! (and stuff.) Now, I shall do something I have NEVER done before... Describe two interesting faces about my team mates! Talia Washington has 8 different nationalities, (ethnicity, for fancy people,) and she is actually related to George Washington! (The one, The only.) Quinn states that the most interesting things about himself are that he eats, and he sleeps. He's ether boring, or is a secret CIA agent on a secret task in Madagascar. I'll believe the latter. Finally, Raiden Kurisu is 100% Japanese, and is apparently Really good at Origami. This is important, for that's what we based our animation off of how Raiden discovered Origami. Not my idea.
Dont. Even. Ask.

So, know what a GIF is? Click that link. For the lazy, GIF stands for Graphic Interchange Format, and looks like an animation that repeats itself. (Example, the bouncing all above.) There's more to the definition than just that, but I'm to lazy to put it in. Do you also know what Stop Motion Animation is? That's pretty easy to answer. Basically, Stop motion animation is when you take a bunch of pictures of something inanimate, such as a clay figure, and with every picture it moves a little bit. Then process it, a bing here and a bang there and you've got some mediocre-quality animation.

Our animation is going to be about, as said in the first paragraph, how Raiden discovers Origami. Basically, he realized (when he was 6) that everyone except him had a super special talent. Then out of no where he discovered that he can do origami. People should care about this because if Raiden gets famous one day, BOOM back story! Also it teaches that everyone has some special talent and we should appreciate it when we find ours. So yeah. Meaning here, meaning there, Bish Bosh.


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