This post is directly related to the previous one, "Animation Outtakes". If you have not read that post, please kindly do so. If you are the lazy type, read/watch at your own risk. Or not, I don't care.
P5T6 Raiden Discovers Origami from
Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on
Working on my animation... |
Hello and welcome to the (kinda) second part of the "famous" blog post, Animation Outtakes. Now many, (and by many, I mean one.) people (person?) have (has? Never mind...) asked me how our animation's focus statement reflects "My story". Well gents, the answer is: It doesn't! It reflects RAIDEN'S story. Not mine. Anyway, it reflects HIS story because, well, it's a true story! Not much more to it. It's a true story of how he discovered and learned to do Origami! Yeah!
Me and Quinn messin around with Garageband |
The audience, when they watch the animation, will (Hopefully) learn that talents can come out of no where, and to appreciate the talents you have. This is shown by telling the people (or person) how Raiden, at first, doesn't have a talent until he discovers Origami. Then he finds how good he is at Origami, Meaningful text here and there, some voice overs, and BANG! People discover that everyone has a talent.
Raiden Making some more animations |
I'd say that we're a pretty good team, because we have had a lot of good moments, and not very many bad moments. For example, Every day, BOOM animation done here! BAM Animation done there! Personally, I think the team is very productive. However, if I HAD to point out the WORST moment for the team, I would say it was when we were disagreeing with the animation plan. That took a long time. The best moment, however, was when we had completed about 100% of our animations, and were ready for the Final Cut. Awesomeness!
Critique results BELOW,
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